Movie Critic of Doom

Movie Critic of Doom



_________cinema________ ________pelicula_______ ________movies_________ ________theater________








What is up with America? And why do we keep on producing mediocre films? Honestly, it's boring me. THis was another movie that just made the grade. It wasn't a bad movie, it wasn't a good movie. Now, when I say good movie, I mean, a GOOD movie. I'm talking "Schindlers List", "In The Heat of the Night", "The Pianist", "A Beautiful Mind" even "The Sixth Sense". Heck, I'd rather watch "Rambo: First Blood" a million times over this movie. Again, like failure to launch, It WAS NOT BAD, IT JUST WASN'T GREAT.

posted by the mysterious 'C' at 10:45 AM >0 comments


Failure to Launch

This movie failed to launch. Aside from Matthew McConaughey's Day-Glo orange tan in this film, there was nothing realyl spectacular about it. It was the quintessential date movie. Recipie: 95% fluff, and 1% susbtance. 4% is completely missing. This movie barely grasped my attention for the time I spent watching it. It was a movie you could watch and never REALLY care if you saw it again. It was cute, and occasionally funny, but not exceptional. Nothing revolutionary. Nothing DIFFERENT. A movie that people will forget and never remember, if they're smart. In finality, it was average. Not bring, not super interesting.

posted by the mysterious 'C' at 10:36 AM >0 comments


X-Men 3

Ug. I did not like this movie. Here is the movie, in a nutshell: Wolverine, special effects. Theres the movie. That's all you need to know. Because the plotline isa peice of crap, the acting are peices of crap, there are no interesting shots or originality whatsoever, and not only do the kill of f or de-mutant-ize my four favorite people within the course of the movie, it also just about put me to sleep. I seriously could of left the theater and just not cared about the rest of the movie, or worried about the plot ever, ever, again. I was sorely tempted.But the special effects were rather cool. But that was about it. Don't see this movie unless you are super bored.

posted by the mysterious 'C' at 8:26 AM >7 comments


This film was fine.It wasn't fantastic or whatever. It's about a girl who is a total goody goody girl, and then she meets the girl on the right, and really wants to impress her, and falls in with the wrong crowd and starts using drugs and crap like that. The acting in it was pretty good, but the plot line and cinematography in it just made the grade, to me. The content is pretty "shocking", or whatever, but I have a hard time believing these girls are 13 years old. They seriously look like, 16, or something. Anyway the movie also tried to obtain a surreal, dreamlike state with odd, tilted camera angles, and by tinting entire shots with color. Instead of deepening your interest of the movie, it just came off as a litle annoying.. but the acting was still good. There were alot of emotional scenes, and were done pretty well, but the movie failed to move me, or any of my friends for the matter, to tears, or actually, any sort of emotion whatsoever, besides laughter.

posted by the mysterious 'C' at 7:59 AM >6 comments


The Producers

Ug. Halfway through this movie I wanted to vomit. It was too long, too cheesy, and Uma Thurman can't sing. PERIOD. She just can't. I can see how cool it would be on broadway, but on a smaller screen, it comes off as obnoxious and....obnoxious....and fake. there were a couple moments where I really wanted to laugh, I really did. I wanted to enjoy this movie. But I couldn't. It was just too hard. I shouldn't be working to enjoy a movie. That is very, very sad. There were some good moments and some fairly memorable songs, but for the most part the jokes were expected, and the humor very....cliched. I would of loved to see the Broadways show, I'm sure it would be alot more fun. But in movie form, it was rather boring. See this movie if there's nothing better to do.

posted by the mysterious 'C' at 8:38 PM >0 comments

A film is -or should be- more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, "all that comes later.
-Stanley Kubrick


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